Tuesday, March 31, 2020

When You Are Interviewed For a Tutoring Position, It is Important to Prepare Your Answers

When You Are Interviewed For a Tutoring Position, It is Important to Prepare Your AnswersWhen you are interviewing for a job, your interviewer will ask you if you want to interview for tutoring position. You want to make sure that your answer is true and that you can answer the questions he or she may ask you.The reason why it is important to prepare answers to these questions in advance is because these questions are very specific. They are designed to determine if you can be an effective tutor. It is also important to know your strengths and weaknesses, so you can describe your talents.Sometimes, your interviewer will say that you would not be a good tutor for a public school. This could be true, but what he or she may not know is that you can teach at private schools as well. What kind of questions should you ask? Here are some examples.- What do you see as your greatest strengths? Answer this question honestly and concisely. Just be honest and you will get a lot of things out of it.- How would you sum up your greatest weakness? Again, be honest. In addition, you should also be precise in describing your weakness. Be sure to have an explanation and be able to explain what you mean by your weakness.- Explain why you feel a public school would be a better fit for you. What makes you more suited to work in a public school? Would you be a good candidate for a private school?When you answer the above questions with specific answers, you will give the interviewer a clear idea of how you would be better suited to teach in a public school. Also, you will avoid unnecessary accusations that you have fabricated your entire story or been forced to lie.When you are asked questions like these during an interview, you want to know that they are genuine. If you cannot provide an honest answer to one of these questions, you should prepare an alternate answer.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Bohr Model Chemistry - Learn How to Use Your Textbooks

Bohr Model Chemistry - Learn How to Use Your TextbooksBohr model chemistry is a popular method for chemistry lessons. It is a textbook that consists of twenty-eight chapters written by Karl Bohr and published in the prestigious Pergamon Press. If you are interested in chemistry, you will definitely find this book to be helpful. Before you proceed, though, you should know how the whole process works.The main aim of this book is to help you understand the principles of atoms, molecules, atoms, and gases. These principles are written in simple language, so that you do not need to be an expert on the subject to understand them. In other words, it does not require any prior knowledge. This helps you to understand things in a less complicated way. It also makes things much easier for your students to understand.A textbook on model chemistry will also help you to apply the theory to real life. The chapters have been carefully written so that you can easily use them with your classroom or ev en your laboratory. This will allow you to develop skills that will serve you well throughout your career.The first section of the book is entitled, 'The Science of Batteries and Cells.' This is a chapter that contains a series of stories that discuss the theoretical principles. In these stories, we will see different aspects of what is involved in the use of these concepts in everyday life.You should also note that the following section is titled, 'Method of Atomic Motion.' It provides information about atomic force, magnetic force, atomic weight, weight and volume, and more. For example, you will read about the use of air molecules to carry heavy weights, about atoms that have tails, about the kinetic energy of electrons, and the effect of the gravitational field on an electron.You can actually use the Bohr model chemistry with your students in a classroom setting. You can provide your students with handouts and calculators so that they can do some math assignments. You can even u se the topics mentioned above in your laboratory settings. For example, if you want to teach children about the concept of heat, you can use the gravity force in your lab.Overall, using this system of textbooks and notes is the best way to learn chemistry yourself. You can actually do experiments on the principles of atomic and molecular structure, and the concepts mentioned above, so that you will be able to use them on your own at home. There are also online tools that you can use to ensure that your learning materials will be kept up to date.

How to Become a Good Tutor

How to Become a Good TutorThere are several ways on how to become a good tutor. You can enroll at a teaching college and take lessons or you can simply study in private. Either way, the most important thing is to have a passion for what you do.The first step in becoming a good tutor is finding out what kind of tutor you want to be. Some people want to tutor children while others like working with adults. Do you want to become a high school teacher? This is a very important step. There are many things that you need to know when it comes to working as a high school teacher.After becoming a tutor, you will need to start taking classes as soon as possible. If you would like to get a degree in education, then you must start by taking a number of classes like honors or general education. There are plenty of colleges that offer pre-college programs for those who are interested in this field.It's also a good idea to look into tutoring services. These services offer additional coaching along with tutoring. They will help you manage your class schedule, homework assignments, and even give you additional counseling if needed.Going back to the decision you make regarding what type of tutoring service you would like to work with. How much time do you have to devote to tutoring? It's a good idea to figure out if you can afford a tutor. You'll need to find out how much you can spend every month. By keeping that in mind, you will be able to see what kind of tutoring services would fit into your budget.You will also need to consider what kind of payback you would be looking for when you're working with a tutoring service. Sometimes a tutor is more than just a person helping you learn. You may want to see if the person you are working with has any affiliations with companies that offer tutoring services. For example, there may be an academic association or a tutoring association that is associated with your area.It can be hard to become a good tutor, but if you have the right mi ndset and motivation, you can do it. You should also consider all the requirements necessary for getting into a tutoring school. This is part of the educational process. With some extra studying and tutoring experience, you could be a great tutor one day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Solve Ratios

How To Solve Ratios Definition: -The relation between two quantities (both of the same kind and in the same unit) obtained by dividing one quantity by the other, is called ratio.Therefore ration between two quantities x and y both of the same kind and in the same unit, is x / y and is often written as x: y (read as x to y or x is to y). For example: - i) The ration between 5 kg and 15 kg = 5 kg / 15 kg = 1 / 3 = 1 : 3 ii) The ratio between 800 gm. and 1.2 kg = 800 gm. / 1200 gm. = 2/3 =2:3 Question 1: The strength of a class is 50; out of which 30 are boys and rest are girls. Find the ratio between the number of boys and the number of girls in the class. Solution: -Since, the strength of the class = 50 And, the number of boys in the class = 30 The number of girls in the class = 50 30 Therefore Required ratio = (No. of boys in the class) / (No. of girls in the class) = 30 / 20 = 3 / 2 = 3: 2 Question 2: -A mans monthly income is $1,500 out of which he spends $ 1, 250 every month. Find the ratio between his saving and expenditure. Solution: - Since, the monthly income of the man =$ 1,500 And, his monthly expenditure = $ 1,250 His saving per month = $ 1,500 - $ 1,250 =$ 250

What Makes a Good Voice Teacher

What Makes a Good Voice Teacher Suzy S. Finding the right vocal coach is an important factor for your success when it comes to singing lessons. You need someone who will encourage and motivate you, but also provide the right feedback and guidance. Read on as Glendale teacher Ariel P. shares what shes learned from her own mentors When I was in graduate school my teacher had a new “tool” every week.  At first I thought the tools were amazing and I could not believe the level of her creativity.  How could she come up with a new “tool” and cute name every single week?  I would go into my lesson and she would say something like, “We’re going to do the Dolphin today.  Oh I’ve never showed you the Dolphin before?  Well just take this rolled up towel, lay on the floor, and put it under your lower back.  This will ease your lower back tension.” The only problem was that I did not suffer from lower back tension.  Other students had that problem, but not me.  I had other issues that manifested themselves into lower back tension, which were never addressed because she was too busy finding new “tools” and insisting that every single student use them, regardless of if it worked for them or not.  This teacher was not truly listening and diagnosing problems that could have been easily fixed.  She was generalizing and assuming that everyone suffered from the same issues. Since graduating, I have found a voice teacher that not only listens but empathizes.  His ear is refined enough to quickly diagnose the root of the problem.  He has a bag of “tools” that he uses as needed and when appropriate.  If he finds that one approach is not working, then he will attempt something else to achieve the desired result.   But the most important element is that the lesson is tailored to my individual needs. The lesson is also based on my own feedback and experience.  Because of this, I am able to self-diagnose even outside the lesson and I am better equipped to help students of my own. When teaching students, I have my own “tools” to pool from. To begin with, I like to teach what are called “vocal function exercises.”  These are a series of sounds on the letters m, ng, v, z, th, and n that help teach the different muscles in the mouth, throat and diaphragm to behave in coordination.  For example, if a student is having tension in the strap muscles (the muscles running parallel to the larynx, on either side of the neck, running down into the shoulders and chest), I would have them vocalize on z with a passive airflow.  When this is done correctly, it releases all of the tension from these muscles and allows for the diaphragm to do the work instead of the neck muscles.  Once this is established, I turn z into a vocal exercise to apply the new coordination.  Then I apply that to the most difficult part of the song the student is singing at the time.  This is how I break down the lessons for the betterment of the student. Be aware of the tools that work for you! With the right voice teacher, he or she will be able to help you with this. Ariel P. teaches singing, Broadway singing, opera voice and speaking voice lessons to students of all ages in Glendale, CA. She received her Masters degree in Voice from the University of Southern California, and joined the TakeLessons team in December 2012. Learn more about Ariel, or search for a teacher near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by familymwr

Best Violin Apps To Help You Practice The Violin

Best Violin Apps To Help You Practice The Violin To Download Or Not To Download A Violin App? ChaptersThe Benefits Of A Violin Learning AppHow Does A Violin Tuning App Actually Work?Is There One Best Violin Tuner App?Choosing A Violin AppViolin apps, just like apps for any other genre of music and style of instrument, have been on the rise over the years as technology advances at a super fast rate. Music to our ears? Patience, please! Let's see if they are all that they are cracked up to be!Not only are there apps out there helping you to maintain your string instrument, like tuner apps, apps have also been developed to teach you how to play the instrument (some are even aimed at learning the violin as absolute beginners!) with tutorials on how to hold the musical instrument, wrist placement, what to do with your left hand, how to maintain good posture while you play stringed instruments and, of course, how to read music.If you can't quite believe it, you can download one of the digital tuition apps yourself for either a small or no fee at all via the Apple App Store, Windows App Store or your Android App Store. Even if you just download a few for fun, you might be surprised by what they can do for you and what you learn. That said, you don't want to risk developing bad habits from trying to copy others, so how do you balance the pros and the cons?When looking for your new app and pocket friend to replace or complement your violin tutor, remember that there are a few things you should consider first before committing. You can see our top tips for choosing a violin music app below.Finally, Soundcorset has developed this tuner and metronome app for musicians, which has a range of great features. For example, you can record, set sound, flash, vibration and visual beats and it has a very useful black screen battery-saving mode for when you're playing violin away from home and don't want to drain your battery life!Choosing A Violin AppBefore you go downloading the first apps you see for violin players, be sure to read the descriptions of each and make sure t hat it offers you what you need. For example, if you are a complete beginner to violin playing, then you don't want to download an app that is adapted for intermediate or advanced players, and vice-versa.It may sound obvious but do also check that the app is for the instrument you have or want to learn about. There's no point in taking violin lessons in how to play the cello if you own a violin!Looking at screenshots is a great way of getting a feel for the app in question, and seeing how easy it looks to navigate around the app. The last thing you want when trying to learn a new skill is to have to, first of all, get to grips with the teaching materials! The app should be clear and concise and make working through the violin lessons seamless.Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you should always read the reviews left by other users. Most app stores will offer a star grading, which is your first insight into the popularity of the app. Yet, don't forget to balance a number of facto rs - an app with a four-star review with satisfied customers in the thousands could be a better app than one with three or four five star reviews.If in doubt, always go with the masses!

LSAT Test Dates for 2017-2018

LSAT Test Dates for 2017-2018 Taking a standardized exam like the LSAT entails a great deal of planning. When you begin to look into taking the LSAT, its important to create a list of the testing dates that will work well for you. Since the exam is only offered on select dates during the 2017-2018 academic year, youll want to be on top of registration deadlines. Reasons to finalize your testing schedule now include (as previously mentioned) staying current on registration deadlines, understanding which style of LSAT exam date best fits you, and allowing adequate prep time before the test. Are you ready to begin creating your LSAT prep plan? Keep reading to learn about the 17-18 LSAT test dates and registration deadlines. And remember to utilize Varsity Tutors one-on-one LSAT tutoring to help you prepare. LSAT test dates Below is a list of LSAT test dates released by the Law School Admission Council for the 2017-2018 school year. Click here to register for a specific exam date. The LSAT also offered tests on June 12, September 16, and September 18, 2017. More information on registration policies, including additional fees for late registration, can be found here. LSAT test dates for Saturday Sabbath observers The LSAT is typically administered on Saturdays. However, if you observe the Saturday Sabbath, the Law School Admission Council (or LSAC) offers several exams on different days of the week. You can request this type of testing date through your online LSAC account, but you must also submit an official letter from your minister or rabbi regarding your religious affiliation. More information on LSAT exam dates for Saturday Sabbath observers can be found here. Nondisclosed LSAT test dates The February 10, 2018 LSAT exam is a bit different from other testing dates, in that it is nondisclosed. This means that the LSAC does not release scored sections after the exam. For test-takers, this also means that you cannot see which questions you answered correctly or incorrectly. Before deciding on this LSAT exam date, ensure you fully understand how a nondisclosed testing session will affect you. Adequate LSAT prep time Allow yourself ample prep time before whichever LSAT test date you ultimately choose. Take LSAT practice tests, and evaluate your progress throughout your LSAT review. Be honest with yourself about your target score, as well as how much prep time you will need to reach said score. Remember, too, that LSAT tutoring may help you reach the goals you set for yourself. Best of luck! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

Need Help with Probability Math Problems, Turn to Tutor Pace

Need Help with Probability Math Problems, Turn to Tutor Pace 0SHARESShare Probability with its Permutations and Combinations could tax you at the neck of the hour. Need help? Turn to Tutor Pace and enjoy hassle free learning. Need help with Probability Math problems-get instant solutions If you need help with Probability Math problems, approach Tutor Pace and get instant remedies. The excellent tutors in Probability tell you What is Probability and how you can get over the entangled concepts in Probability with ease. Take help for Coin Flip Online and get ahead with sums in other topics in Probability. It is the effective interactive accessories like white board, voice chat and video texting that have made Probability help a great success in Tutor Pace. Work with our tutors to understand the essential skills for doing Probability sums and move ahead with other homework tasks. Click to our site and learn the details about our policies. It is flexible learning n in the wee hours with the support of our certified tutors around the clock from any quarter of the world that helps you a great way in doing your Probability sums without any tension. When you need help with Probability Math problems, approach Tutor Pace and get the necessary help. [starbox id=admin]

Subtracting Integers Online Tutoring - Maths Help

Subtracting Integers Online Tutoring - Maths Help Integers are the numbers which can be 0, positive as well as negative numbers and are regarded as the general counting numbers. Integers are complete numbers and they do not contain any fractional or decimal numbers within their group. Subtracting integers involves taking care of the appropriate sign of each number and operating the numbers accordingly. The subtraction technique is the same except for in integers, it becomes very important to consider the signs of every number and calculate the values accordingly. Example 1: Subtract the given integers: 4 (-3) 5+ (-6). To operate the above given numerical expression, first we have to follow the order of operations. According to it, the parenthesis comes first and thus it should be first sorted out! This implies: 4+ 3 5 6. (Taking from left, since negative times negative is positive and positive times negative is negative) We should now start from left and calculate accordingly: 4+ 3 5 6 ==7 5 6== 2 6 = -4. Therefore the value of the given expression is -4. Example 2: Subtract the given integers: 10+ 4+ (-6) (-1). To operate the above given numerical expression, first we have to follow the order of operations. According to it, the parenthesis comes first and thus it should be first sorted out! This implies: 10+ 4 6 + 1. (Taking from left, since positive times negative is negativeand negative times negative is positive) We should now start from left and calculate accordingly: 10+ 4 6 + 1==14 6 + 1== 8 + 1== 9. Therefore the value of the given expression is 9.